Agreement to the processing of personal data
By registering and (or) sending e-mails indicating my personal data, I give my consent to the processing of personal data.
This user agreement is a public offer (i.e. an offer to enter into an agreement). By clicking "Register" and (or) "Submit", You are considered to have joined it. Attention! For economic, organizational, and sometimes legal reasons, the Agreement is subject to changes from time to time. The Site Administration does not have the ability to send Users notifications about such changes, so we strongly ask you to periodically visit this page to check whether there is anything that contradicts Your beliefs and principles. If You as a User do not agree with the changes made, you always have the right to refuse access to the Site and stop using its materials. If you believe that the Agreement or actions of us as the Site Administration violate Your rights, do not be silent, write to us at the following email address: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
1. Terms used in this Agreement:
1.1. a Website is a collection of texts, graphic elements, design, images, software code, photos and videos, and other results of intellectual activity contained on the Internet under a domain name (as well as other niche sites of the Achinsk branch of the Krasnoyarsk State UNIVERSITY LOCATED on the second and third level domains of the above site).
1.2. the Site Administration is a person who has the rights to administer the Site.
1.3. the User is any person who has logged in to the Site and accepted the terms of this Agreement, regardless of the fact of passing the registration and authorization procedures.
2. Use of personal data
2.1. by Accepting the terms of this agreement, the User grants the Site Administration consent to the processing of their personal data.
2.2. Purpose of personal data processing: registration on the Site, registration for Site events, surveys.
2.3. The processing of personal data are subject to the following:
2.3.1. Surname, name, patronymic of the User;
2.3.2. User's Email address;
2.3.3. The phone number of the User.
2.4. personal data processing means the following list of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision of access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
2.5. By accepting the terms of this agreement, the User agrees to receive the newsletter by e-mail.
2.6. This consent to the processing of personal data is valid indefinitely, but may be revoked by the subject of personal data on the basis of a personal application sent by email to the Site Administration.
2.7. the Site Administration undertakes to use the User's personal data obtained as a result of using the Site in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on the protection of personal data, including Federal law No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 "on personal data" as amended at the time of processing of such personal data.